Keeping in shape is not only good for your ego; it is also good for your health and longevity. Many people join a gym to stay fit, but not everyone can afford to do so - especially when some of them can be a bit pricey. In addition to working out regularly, eating healthy is essential to staying in shape. There are several ways to get in and subsequently stay in shape without breaking the bank.
1. Buy healthy foods.
Staying away from the junk food will help to save you money in the long run. The best way to stick to a healthy diet when shopping is to shop the perimeter of the supermarket. Around the perimeter is where you will find the produce, dairy and meats; all of the stuff on the food pyramid. You will have to delve into the aisles for dairy and cereals, but keep them on the healthy side by buying whole grain.
2. Instead of joining the local gym, invest in buying equipment for your house.
You do not have to purchase the equipment brand new. Check your local newspaper or Craigslist where you will find people trying to get rid of stuff that they no longer use or want. Oftentimes you can find gym equipment at a deeply discounted price.
3. If you do not have room in your house for equipment, then take up an activity that does not require any equipment.
Walking, for example, is an excellent exercise that will work out most of your body. If you’re able to, running is a great way to boost up your cardio activity. Walking or jogging a few times a week is a great way to shape up your body and keep it fit. Enlist a buddy to help keep you on track toward achieving your goal.
4. Buy fitness DVDs if you have trouble establishing a workout.
There are several different types of workout programs available wherever you can buy movies. For best results, buy a variety of workout programs so you can change it up and keep your workouts fresh.
Working out and staying fit does not have to be a budget breaker. If you cannot afford to go to the gym, bring the gym home to you. If you do not have space in your home for gym equipment, there are several ways to work out without using specialized equipment. Enlisting the aid of a friend or family member will go a long way in assisting you in your goal – to get and stay fit.
I used to walk and my dog was my buddy. I miss her. Does housecleaning count for fitness points?
ReplyDeleteHousecleaning absolutely counts, Sheila. It's a great workout.